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MDU hopes for positive impact on claims costs after change to PI discount rate in Scotland and Northern Ireland

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) welcomed news that the personal injury discount rate (PIDR) in Scotland and Northern Ireland is to be increased, potentially saving millions of pounds in the costs of compensation payments. Following a review, the Government Actuary has determined that, with effect from today, the PIDR in Northern Ireland and Scotland should be increased to +0.5%… Read more »

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
Defra Minister recognises ‘really important role’ of BASC

MINISTER Daniel Zeichner told a packed Rural Reception at the Labour Party conference today that his party’s MPs must repay the faith shown in them at the General Election. The Rural Affairs Minister, speaking to a full house at the joint BASC and Angling Trust event in Liverpool, said: “I can see many rural MPs… Read more »

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Lord Alton: Global Unity Can Defeat Any Evil, be it in South Africa or Iran
Global Unity Can Defeat Any Evil, be it in South Africa or Iran

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was laid to rest on Jan 1. He was truly instrumental in unifying much of the world behind a campaign of sanctions, boycotts, and divestment aimed to overturn the system of apartheid that institutionalised discrimination, disenfranchisement, and human rights abuses against non-white South Africans. That system was so transparently vile that it… Read more »

Sadiq Khan’s drug reforms don’t go far enough

On Monday evening, a story leaked in the Telegraph that Sadiq Khan was set to “begin decriminalising drugs” in the capital. Whilst this is not exactly true – there are plenty of reasons for drug law reformers to be excited. In actual fact, Khan has confirmed – off the back of a report that I… Read more »