
Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Scottish Assisted Dying Bill Published – Humanists UK Comment

The Assisted Dying Bill Scotland has been published today. Humanists UK welcomes the bill and hopes it passes the next stage, but urges politicians not to ignore people like Tony Nicklinson, who would not be eligible for the proposed law. Currently, the Bill is limited to only people who are terminally ill, which has a legal… Read more »

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PCC Elections – BASC Needs You

Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will take place on 2 May 2024 and provide the perfect opportunity for the shooting community to find out where local Police and Crime Commissioner candidates stand on firearms licensing. BASC has launched a contact platform which allows you to search for your local PCC candidates by police… Read more »

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Beveridge’s legacy eight decades on

The historical context Amidst the emergency of World War Two, in 1942 the social reformer Sir William Beveridge proposed a wide-ranging bipartisan agenda for welfare reform that offered glimpses of a brighter domestic future for the war-weary population once the prolonged conflict was over. 2022 marks eighty years since the Beveridge Report was published, a… Read more »