Universal Credit

Review outcome could jeopardise wildlife management, warns BASC Scotland

BASC has expressed significant concerns about a number of elements which will be looked at as part of a Scottish Government review of NatureScot’s species licensing functions. BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the review into NatureScot’s current licensing approach had the potential to affect the balance between predator control and wildlife management. He said… Read more »

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Footballer Marcus Rashford has further criticised the scrapping of the Universal Credit uplift.
Rashford attacks government on ending of Universal Credit uplift

Footballer Marcus Rashford has further criticised the scrapping of the Universal Credit uplift. The 23-year-old forward for Manchester United has spearheaded high profile campaigns against child hunger and the cut to Universal Credit that came into force this week. Speaking to BBC Breakfast TV this morning, Rashford was critical of the government’s decision to end… Read more »