Keir Starmer

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has called on the government to press ahead with long promised reforms aimed at controlling the costs of clinical negligence cases. In written evidence to the House of Commons public accounts committee into NHS financial sustainability the MDU explains that the government must introduce legal reforms to the current clinical negligence system… Read more »

The leading anti-assisted dying group Christian Action, Research and Education (CARE) used Christian reasoning to get its supporters to write to their MPs – but then omitted any Christian language at all from the default email that it got them to send. While recognising that it is essential that all sides are heard in the… Read more »
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When Sir Keir Starmer left his podium in east London yesterday, having announced that his predecessor would never again be allowed to stand as a Labour MP, gone was any pretence of Labour’s affinity with the Corbyn project. It was a moment of high symbolism; a deeply serious yet carefully choreographed act of political theatre. … Read more »

Oh (dear), Jeremy Corbyn. The former Labour leader is facing potential political oblivion after his successor and former shadow cabinet ally Sir Keir Starmer confirmed that he would not be standing as a Labour candidate at the next election. “What I said about the party changing, I meant it”, Sir Keir told reporters at a… Read more »