
Review outcome could jeopardise wildlife management, warns BASC Scotland

BASC has expressed significant concerns about a number of elements which will be looked at as part of a Scottish Government review of NatureScot’s species licensing functions. BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the review into NatureScot’s current licensing approach had the potential to affect the balance between predator control and wildlife management. He said… Read more »

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More than half of immigrants from new EU states to UK in 2004 have already returned home, thinktank claims
European migrants ‘leaving UK’

The majority of immigrants to the UK from new EU member states have already returned home, a thinktank said on Wednesday. According to the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), the rate of immigration to Britain from the most recent EU member states is slowing. Workers from Poland, who are now the largest foreign national… Read more »

Competition Commisison takes on supermarkets
Supermarkets to get ombudsman

The Competition Commission (CC) has recommended appointing an ombudsman in its final report on the UK grocery market. The report, which puts forward the regulator’s final recommendations, follows a five-year investigation with over 700 submissions. The big four grocers – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons – have been accused of buying up land to prevent… Read more »