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The Value of Shooting Report 2024

New report underlines the importance of shooting, conservation and the rural vote ahead of the general election. With the main political parties having fired the starter pistol on their general election campaigns, rural organisations are set to publish  (Tuesday 4 June) the latest ‘Value of Shooting’ report which will set out in detail the benefits… Read more »

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BASC responds to general election announcement

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election to be held on 4 July. This is undoubtedly an important election for shooting and conservation. Shooting plays a key role in the economy and the conservation and management of the countryside, and any incoming government will have to be alert to the needs of… Read more »

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Another day, another traffic jam
Motorists doubt road pricing system

The vast majority of motorists say the government cannot be trusted to deliver a fair road pricing system, a poll suggests. A survey of 17,500 AA members highlights the problems facing Gordon Brown’s government in introducing the new measures, though 42 per cent backed the idea in principle. The government has spoken of plans to… Read more »

Mr Cameron refused to state whether he would reinstate the 10p tax rate if he became prime minister
Cameron vows to ‘stand up for poor’

Conservative leader David Cameron has told the BBC he wants to “stand up” for the low-paid who he claims have been failed by the government. Gordon Brown scrapped the 10p tax rate this week despite fierce opposition from some Labour MPs. In a series of emergency tax measures, the prime minister announced that pensioners under… Read more »