
Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Rally outside Parliament as MPs to debate assisted dying

Humanists UK and My Death, My Decision (MDMD) will be holding a rally on Parliament Square on 29 April at 15:30 to show their support for assisted dying legislation for the terminally ill and the incurably suffering. On Monday the House of Commons will be holding a Westminster Hall debate on assisted dying after an… Read more »

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Defra to review GL45 in light of reduction of AI risk

BASC has welcomed Defra’s announcement that the new General Licence (GL45), which governs the release of pheasants and red-legged partridges on and around certain Special Protection Areas (SPAs), is currently being reviewed. The current licence conditions are based on a medium level of risk of the occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild… Read more »

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MPs criticise Darling's Budget
Budget 2008: Darling’s Budget ‘downplayed economic risk’

Alistair Darling’s Budget may have given “insufficient weight” to the risks of continued financial market turbulence in making forecasts for economic growth, a report by the House of Commons Treasury committee has claimed. The committee said the margin by which the government forecast that it will meet the sustainable investment rule is “extremely tight”, especially… Read more »

Harriet Harman took on William Hague in an unusual PMQs
The week in Westminster

A Commons clash between Harriet Harman and William Hague provided political analysts with an amusing session on Wednesday. The pair were subbing for Gordon Brown and David Cameron’s usual prime minister’s questions in a refreshing series of boisterous exchanges. Apart from a brief period when Ms Harman was forced to admit the UK economy faces… Read more »