
“Baker’s dozen” general election manifesto to be launched in parliament

The Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) are set to launch their Bakers‘ Dozen manifesto that they and their members want to see introduced by the next UK Government. Aimed especially at the Labour Party, the Bakers‘ Dozen report and manifesto lays out 13 policy demands that would transform the lives of their members and working class people across… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
End collective worship in schools say 70% of headteachers

A new poll of headteachers has once again shown that there is widespread opposition to the current law mandating schools to hold a daily act of collective Christian worship. Almost 2,000 school leaders were surveyed, with 70% of them opposed to the legal requirement. Humanists UK has long campaigned for the replacement of compulsory Christian worship in… Read more »

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The Tories believe Jacqui Smith is timing her announcements before local elections
Tories protest over Smith announcements

The Conservatives have filed a complaint against home secretary Jacqui Smith and other ministers relating to election rules. Nominations have closed for May 1st’s local and London elections and the Tories believe the Purduh rules preventing politicians in government from saving “juicy announcements” have been breached. Ms Smith is due to announce an extra 300… Read more »

Ken Livingstone regrets Chinese paramilitary police
Livingstone denounces Olympic torch guards

Ken Livingstone had condemned the decision to allow Chinese paramilitary police graduates to participate in the Olympic torch’s parade through London. The torch’s path through London caused an international outcry after the aggressive handling of protestors demonstrating against China’s alleged human rights abuses in Tibet, with Lord Sebastian Coe labelling the guards “thugs”. While their… Read more »