
Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Jersey votes to legalise assisted dying

The States Assembly of Jersey has voted to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill people. In a landmark vote, Jersey’s politicians have voted in favour of compassion, autonomy, and the rights of people who are dying. Humanists UK and Channel Islands Humanists have welcomed the historic vote. A significant majority of 31 Assembly members vote… Read more »

Humanists UK expresses concern as Government launches human rights review
Call for legal protections for teachers against ‘blasphemy’ welcomed by Humanists UK

The Government-backed independent review into political violence and disruption has been published today and recommends teachers to be given legal protections against allegations of ‘blasphemy’. This has been welcomed by Humanists UK, who has been leading the campaign for robust support for teaching staff in response to recent controversies, including the suspension of a teacher in Batley after showing an image… Read more »

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There could be too few GPs in Scotland in next decade, BMA warns
Doctors’ group warns of potential GP shortage

Unless the Scottish government plans carefully for the future of the NHS workforce there could be a shortage of GPs in Scotland, the British Medical Association (BMA) Scotland has warned. The doctors’ group says there could be a GP workforce crisis as too few doctors are being trained to replace those retiring or leaving the… Read more »

MPs' committee says it is unclear which department is responsible for children's issues
MPs: Clarity needed in departments’ responsibilities

MPs have called for it to be made clear which department is responsible for specific children’s and educational issues. A report from the children, schools and families select committee says greater clarity is needed to address challenges resulting from joint working between various parts of government on issues relating to children. It says the newly-created… Read more »