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DDU welcomes GDC plans to extend fitness to practise pilot

The Dental Defence Union (DDU) has welcomed the extension of a GDC pilot aimed at speeding up the initial inquiries made to assess fitness to practise cases. The pilot, which was announced in September last year and was due to end in April, has now been extended until the end of October after ‘early positive signs’. Of… Read more »

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Majority of PCCs Supportive of Shooting, says BASC

BASC has published the results of its interactions with Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) following last week’s elections. In the run up to the poll, BASC wrote to each of the 40 candidates in England and Wales and set up a platform for members to contact their local candidates to find out where they stood… Read more »

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Self-harm among prisoners up 40 per cent
Self-harm among prisoners up 40 per cent

Incidences of prisoner self-harming have increased by nearly 40 per cent since 2003, according to a leading prison reform charity. The Howard League for Penal Reform have announced figures that suggest the number of incidents of self-harm in UK prisons has increased from 16,393 five years ago to 22,459 in 2007. This represents a 37… Read more »

Darling urges lenders to pass on BoE rate cut

Lenders should pass on the Bank of England base rate cut to ease the credit crunch, Alistair Darling has urged. Gordon Brown revealed the chancellor will meet with the heads of the top British banks tomorrow to discuss global market turmoil and regulation. Mr Darling told the BBC: “The government is playing its part. We… Read more »