
Humanists UK
MPs vote in favour of assisted dying – Humanists UK comment

The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill has passed its Second Reading. This is the first time in history that the House of Commons has voted in favour of the principle of assisted dying for the terminally ill. Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, said: ‘Parliament has taken a historic first step to… Read more »

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‘Votes-Weighted PR’ can win the argument for electoral reform — and heal our democracy

Democracy is in retreat globally, hastened by multiple dysfunctions. To reduce the UK’s own democratic deficit, support is growing for some kind of proportional representation (PR). And, still, key Labour politicians remain unconvinced.  But the argument can be tipped towards PR by fixing easy-to-attack flaws in current models — including complexity, disproportionality, too many wasted… Read more »

MP Comment
Greg Clark: ‘How life-saving, bacteria-killing viruses can help combat antibiotic resistance’

The growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics threatens, according to the World Health Organisation, sending modern medicine back decades to an era “when even routine surgeries were hazardous”. But a recent inquiry by the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee, which I chair, has heard compelling evidence of a medical treatment that can evade anti-microbial resistance…. Read more »