Issue Briefs
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Badger Culling
An overview of badger culling, its history, the arguments made by farmers groups around bovine tb, and the opposition case made by animal welfare campaigners.Read More

Bank of England Independence
An overview of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, how it works, its history, and the debate around whether it should be independent of politics.Read More

BBC TV Licence Fee
An overview of the BBC Licence Fee: how it works, the arguments made around its abolition and retention, and details of potential alternative ways to fund the BBC.Read More

Bedroom tax
An overview of the bedroom tax, the rules surrounding it, its impact, the motivation behind the policy, the opposition made to it, and successful legal challenges in the courts.Read More

Birmingham Congestion Charge
An overview of proposals for the introduction of a congestion charge in Birmingham.Read More

British Summer Time
An overview of the arrangements for British Summer Time, the main proposals for reform, and the arguments made for and against a change in the clocks.
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Broiler chicken
An overview of the political debate around broiler chickens, covering current practices in the UK, the arguments supporting the practice, and the campaigns mounted in opposition.Read More

Brownfield Development
An overview of brownfield development covering it definition, scale, history, current policy, and the political debate surrounding brownfield sites.Read More

Bullying in schools
An overview of school bullying in the UK, including the prevalence of out of school bullying and cyber bullying.Read More

Business rates
An overview of UK business rates, how they operate, what they raise, the different aspects of business rate relief, arguments around the system, and suggestions for reform.Read More

Free Bus pass
An overview of free bus passes for pensioners, how the system works, who it benefits, and the arguments being made for its retention and reform.Read More