Party Politics

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
BASC calls on Gloucestershire Constabulary to reverse “outrageous and unlawful” firearms licensing decision

BASC has accused Gloucestershire Constabulary of failing to fulfil a statutory duty by suspending firearm certificate grants. Within the last few days, the force has taken the unilateral decision to suspend grant applications for firearm and shotgun certificates on the grounds of “unexpected resourcing issues”. It has also said that applications already in the pipeline… Read more »

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David Cameron and Nick Clegg had their last press conference of the year overshadowed by the saga involving Vince Cable
Clegg and Cameron in show of coalition unity

By staff The prime minister and his deputy faced the press today, dismissing the news of Vince Cable’s comments to undercover reporters – but before they were apparently aware of new revelations on Rupert Murdoch BSkyB takeover. David Cameron suggested that the coalition had been more helpful to government policy formation than one party… Read more »

Mirror image: Cameron is meeting with Miliband's funders as the Labour leader argues with Unite
Role reversal: Unions meet with Cameron following Miliband spat

By Ian Dunt Trade union officials have met with the prime minister just as the leader of Unite fights a war of words with Ed Miliband. The Downing Street event was the first official meeting between a Tory prime minister and union leaders since TUC general secretary Norman Willis met Margaret Thatcher during the miners’… Read more »