Party Politics

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Medical Defence Union sponsors NHS Parliamentary Awards

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is delighted to announce it’s sponsorship of the upcoming NHS Parliamentary Awards ceremony which will be held in Westminster on Monday 14 October 2024. The NHS Parliamentary Awards were created in 2018 for health and care organisations as well as MPs to celebrate and recognise the outstanding achievements of staff, volunteers and others working… Read more »

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Kerry McCarthy's use of Twitter during the campaign has landed her in hot water
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Has Ken Clarke awakened the eurosceptic beast from its slumber?
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By Peter Wozniak Ken Clarke has risked awakening the anger of eurosceptic Conservatives by stating Britain would sign to an EU directive aimed at protecting people arrested whilst abroad. The directive itself is relatively uncontroversial. It makes it a requirement for foreign police officers to provide details both written and verbal to British citizens of… Read more »