* intelligence

BASC has criticised the government’s decision to grant police automatic powers of entry into the homes of firearms certificate holders as unnecessary and an erosion of civil liberties. The police already have powers of entry to prevent crime and if life is in danger. They can also get a warrant from a magistrate and they… Read more »

Humanists are celebrating a partial victory after the Department for Education announced it will keep restrictions on faith-based admissions criteria in new state-funded free schools in England – the so-called ‘50% cap’. However, Humanists UK, which led the campaign against these proposals, has said it is certain that new schools with 100% selective admissions policies will nevertheless… Read more »
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The US’ surveillance programme “reached too far”, a London audience has been told by John Kerry, over Edward Snowden spying allegations which have led to a Prism scandal amid diplomatic outrage.

The UK government is facing a legal challenge over its use of the US’ Prism programme in the European court of human rights.