
Humanists UK expresses concern as Government launches human rights review
Call for legal protections for teachers against ‘blasphemy’ welcomed by Humanists UK

The Government-backed independent review into political violence and disruption has been published today and recommends teachers to be given legal protections against allegations of ‘blasphemy’. This has been welcomed by Humanists UK, who has been leading the campaign for robust support for teaching staff in response to recent controversies, including the suspension of a teacher in Batley after showing an image… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Most people in Scotland have no religion – 2022 Census

The results of the 2022 Scottish Census have just been published, and for the first time, when asked about religion most people ticked ‘None’. 51.1% ticked the option, up from 36.7% in 2011. Humanists UK has welcomed the figures, which reflects the wider trend across the UK. The latest Census in England showed for the first… Read more »

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Des Browne admits he may have misled MPs
Browne apologises over troop allowances row

Defence secretary Des Browne has apologised for unintentionally misleading MPs over a new system of allowances for British troops serving overseas. He told the House of Commons in October that plans to merge several separate bonuses paid to soldiers serving away from home for long periods would “not take one penny away from anybody or… Read more »

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Prostitute murders prompt calls for law change

The Liberal Democrats have called for a “wholesale review” of Britain’s prostitution laws, amid fears that a serial killer is targeting sex workers in Ipswich. Leader Menzies Campbell said the spate of prostitute murders in Suffolk highlighted the plight of many women on drugs or facing poverty who were forced on to the street, and… Read more »