
Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
End collective worship in schools say 70% of headteachers

A new poll of headteachers has once again shown that there is widespread opposition to the current law mandating schools to hold a daily act of collective Christian worship. Almost 2,000 school leaders were surveyed, with 70% of them opposed to the legal requirement. Humanists UK has long campaigned for the replacement of compulsory Christian worship in… Read more »

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DDU welcomes GDC plans to extend fitness to practise pilot

The Dental Defence Union (DDU) has welcomed the extension of a GDC pilot aimed at speeding up the initial inquiries made to assess fitness to practise cases. The pilot, which was announced in September last year and was due to end in April, has now been extended until the end of October after ‘early positive signs’. Of… Read more »

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Lord Healey says Tony Blair has made many mistakes in power
Healey condemns Blair’s record

Tony Blair had one good year and since then “everything he’s done has been wrong”, a former Labour chancellor and one of the party’s most senior statesmen has said. Lord Healey said that although 1997 was not bad, the war in Iraq, foundation hospitals and university top-up fees meant the prime minister’s legacy would be… Read more »

Report warns anti-terror strategy is alienating Muslims
Anti-terror strategy ‘alienating Muslims’

The government’s response to terrorism is alienating the Muslim community and is damaging its ability to tackle the problem, a new report has warned. Research by think tank Demos today finds efforts to engage British Muslims after last summer’s London bombings have been too rushed, have treated the Muslim community as a homogenous group and… Read more »