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BASC chief executive presents new award to Gleneagles coaches

BASC chief executive Ian Bell has presented awards to coaches at the Gleneagles Shooting and Fishing School after the association partnered with the prestigious Gleneagles Hotel. BASC was appointed to deliver a top tier and in-depth Shotgun Coaching Award programme to all full-time coaches at the school. The award programme is a cornerstone of BASC’s commitment… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Rally outside Parliament as MPs to debate assisted dying

Humanists UK and My Death, My Decision (MDMD) will be holding a rally on Parliament Square on 29 April at 15:30 to show their support for assisted dying legislation for the terminally ill and the incurably suffering. On Monday the House of Commons will be holding a Westminster Hall debate on assisted dying after an… Read more »

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Report says ministers must do more to end domestic violence
Govt ‘not dealing with violence against women’

The government’s efforts to tackle violence against women are too piecemeal and inadequately funded, a damning new report has said. An independent assessment by the End Violence Against Women campaign gave the government an overall mark of just two out of ten for the way it tackled the problem. Half of women will suffer some… Read more »

MPs to vote on Trident replacement early next year
Trident vote set for early 2007

MPs will have a vote on whether to replace Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent early next year, Downing Street has confirmed. The vote will follow a three-month consultation into the government’s preferred options for the future of Trident, to be published in a white paper in December. Tony Blair yesterday repeated his personal support for replacing… Read more »