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BASC challenges illegal move by West Mercia Police

BASC’s head of firearms Bill Harriman has written to the Chief Constable of West Mercia Police to challenge its decision to make all applications for firearms and shotgun certificates online only. The force announced this week that from 1 May printed applications would no longer be accepted. In a letter to Chief Constable Alex Murray,… Read more »

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Education secretary Alan Johnson unveils £2.7m for school trips
Funding boost for school trips

The education secretary has unveiled £2.7 million in new funding to get more pupils taking part in school trips. Alan Johnson said the package would provide new training for teachers taking out of classroom lessons and create a council to give advice on which activities provided the best experience for children. There will also be… Read more »

Tories warn exam changes are creating an education apartheid
Tories warn of ‘education apartheid’

England is facing an “education apartheid” as private school pupils increasingly study for different exams than those in the state sector, David Willetts has warned. The shadow education secretary argued a lack of confidence in GCSEs and A-levels means many independent schools were turning to exams such as the IGCSE, the pre-U or the international… Read more »