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BASC responds to general election announcement

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election to be held on 4 July. This is undoubtedly an important election for shooting and conservation. Shooting plays a key role in the economy and the conservation and management of the countryside, and any incoming government will have to be alert to the needs of… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Jersey votes to legalise assisted dying

The States Assembly of Jersey has voted to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill people. In a landmark vote, Jersey’s politicians have voted in favour of compassion, autonomy, and the rights of people who are dying. Humanists UK and Channel Islands Humanists have welcomed the historic vote. A significant majority of 31 Assembly members vote… Read more »

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John Hutton said the long-term unemployed could have their benefits cut
Long-term unemployed must do more to find work

There is a hardcore of unemployed people who are not taking up opportunities to work, said John Hutton today. In a speech to the IPPR think-tank, the work and pensions secretary said hard-working families should not have to support people who refuse to find work. “We know there is a small group of benefit claimants… Read more »

Treasury forecasts could be partly responsible for interest rates rising
Treasury forecasts could hit interest rates

The Treasury’s economic forecasts could be partly responsible for interest rates rising, the Lords’ economic affairs committee has said. Looking at monetary policy over the last year – during which interest rates have risen twice – the committee expressed concern “over-optimistic” growth forecasts might affect interest rates. In 1997 the Labour party handed over responsibility… Read more »