European Union

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Former GP appointed to lead MDU professional services team

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has appointed Dr Caroline Fryar as professional services director to lead the team guiding, supporting, and defending healthcare professionals with ethical and medico-legal issues. Dr Fryar has worked at the MDU for seventeen years in various roles, most recently as director of medical services. She was previously a GP. Caroline… Read more »

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David Cameron has only limited influence over Angela Merkel
Cameron pushing Merkel for euro action

David Cameron is pressuring Angela Merkel over Germany’s resistance to eurobonds, after making clear he is not putting all the responsibility for fixing the eurozone crisis “on one eurozone leader”.

Ignored? Cameron arrives at the summit yesterday evening.
Europe is ignoring me, Cameron admits

Critics of David Cameron’s EU policy claimed to be vindicated today after the prime minister admitted officials were ignoring his economic proposals.