Humanists UK react to Government plans for 100% religious discrimination in new state schools
Humanists UK has reacted to news that the Government is proposing to allow new state schools to discriminate in 100% of their places, condemning the move and calling instead for an end to all discrimination in the state school system.
Humanists UK Chief Executive Andrew Copson said:
‘The proposal to allow 100% religious discrimination in new state faith schools will increase religious and racial segregation in our schools at a time when integration and cohesion has never been more important.
‘It will further disadvantage poorer families, non-religious families, and families of the ‘wrong’ religion. Rather than expanding religious selection, a government that cared about cohesion would be seeking to create a single admissions system where all state schools are open to children from any background or belief.’
Commenting on the additional proposal to allow religious bodies to set up state special schools, Mr Copson added:
‘It is particularly important that pupils with special educational needs have access to high quality and balanced education, including a balanced and comprehensive relationship education that is free of religious bias.
‘The proposal to allow SEND schools to be designated with a religious status is something we will be looking at very closely.’