Salmonella outbreak affects 31

Salmonella outbreak affects 31

Salmonella outbreak affects 31

An inquiry has been launched into Britain’s latest salmonella outbreak.

Scientist from the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH) and The Food Standards Agency are collaborating together to find the purported “common” source of salmonella bareilly, a rare form of the infection, which has affected dozens of people across Britain.

31 confirmed cases of salmonella have been confirmed to date.

In Scotland, 14 cases have been confirmed with three suspected.

17 have been confirmed in England and Wales, with three suspected.

Health experts declined to say whether the bug was definitely derived from eating undercooked food.

Salmonella bareilly can cause diarrhoea, vomiting and fever though it is not considered a “dangerous illness.”

It is also reported that the bug may have caused the death of one elderly woman.