Scientists find technique to help failing sight

Scientists find technique to help failing sight

Scientists find technique to help failing sight

A mould-breaking gel could soon reduce the need for reading glasses or laser eye surgery later in life.

Scientists at the Australian Government’s Vision Co-operative Research Centre claim to have isolated a technique capable of halting the deterioration of sight associated with ageing.

It is hoped the new research may also help those with cataracts.

An oily polymer gel replaces the contents of the eye’s lens, which reduces vision once hardened.

The eye’s lens, which focuses by changing shape, becomes less flexible as people inevitably age.

Arthur Ho, University of New South Wales, writing in the New Scientist magazine on Wednesday forecasted trials on humans could begin in 2004.

Commenting on its application, He enthused’ “But once it is shown to be safe and effective, we think that more and more younger people who are starting to need reading glasses will adopt it as well.”

“This could be a quick 15-minute procedure,” Ho added.