* gender and sexuality

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BASC continues to support Police Scotland through training

BASC hosted twenty members of Police Scotland’s Firearms Licensing Team last week as part of an ongoing commitment to provide training support for the force. The two-day program provided participants with an in-depth understanding of key topics related to firearms and shooting, reinforcing the strong working relationship between BASC and Police Scotland. The Continuous Professional… Read more »

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DDU disappointed GDC has decided not to retain in person hearings

The Dental Defence Union (DDU) is disappointed that the GDC has decided to hold hearings remotely by default from next year. During the consultation on the issue, the DDU made strong representations to the GDC to explain that such a move could disadvantage certain dental professionals undergoing a fitness to practise investigation. The GDC’s consultation outcome however states… Read more »

Latest articles

Gay asylum policy under fire
Gay asylum policy in tatters following legal defeat

By Ian Dunt The policy of returning gay asylum seekers back to their country of origin has been dealt a double blow with a supreme court defeat and condemnation from the United Nations (UN). The supreme court upheld appeals from two men – one from Cameroon and the other from Iran – who claimed they… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Comment: The abortion argument is over

The pro-choice lobby has already won the debate on abortion, so why do we keep talking about it? By Ian Dunt What is it that makes us enjoy debating abortion so much? I honestly can’t think of a more tedious political debate to have. Every time a news item on it comes on my heart… Read more »