Defence Procurement

Review outcome could jeopardise wildlife management, warns BASC Scotland

BASC has expressed significant concerns about a number of elements which will be looked at as part of a Scottish Government review of NatureScot’s species licensing functions. BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the review into NatureScot’s current licensing approach had the potential to affect the balance between predator control and wildlife management. He said… Read more »

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The proposed carriers will go ahead, but at a cost for the rest of the fleet
Navy ‘will get’ new carriers

By Peter Wozniak Programmes for the building of two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy have been preserved following a last-ditch meeting of the national security council (NSC), according to reports. The two carriers, costing £5.2 billion, are apparently to go ahead despite the cuts drive at the Ministry of Defence which is overshadowing… Read more »

Defence cuts are likely to hit industries associated with the Royal Navy and RAF hardest
Govt ‘wants to wreck UK defence industry’

By Peter Wozniak Government spending cuts in defence could “raze the UK defence industry to the ground”, Unite has claimed. The union cited a study based on work by Oxford Economics to suggest that cuts of 26% to the defence budget could leave 55,000 jobs at risk. Bernie Hamilton, a Unite officer, condemned the proposed… Read more »