Scottish legal community backs MacAskill
By Liz Stephens
The Scottish justice secretary’s decision to free Libyan bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was given a boost today by the Scottish legal community today.
Kenny MacAskill came under enormous pressure earlier in the week after the Scottish parliament was re-convened a week early to discuss his controversial decision to release Megrahi on compassionate grounds.
Politicians from the main UK parties have spoken out against the decision, with US politicians and even the head of the FBI voicing their condemnation.

However, a survey carried out by Scottish Legal News shows that over two-thirds of lawyers supported Mr MacAskill’s ruling.
Stewart Maxwell, an SNP member of the Scottish parliament’s justice committee said: “This is a welcome endorsement from Scotland’s legal community for the decision Kenny MacAskill has taken.
“Scotland’s legal system is a strong system that deserves the support of our politicians.
“For politicians to suggest decisions should have been taken on anything but judicial grounds shows a lack of respect for the laws of our land.”
Mr MacAskill is not the only politician to come under fire over the decision to release Megrahi.
Last week the prime minister was accused by the joint human rights committee of rushing through the ratification of a treaty to protect oil interests in Libya which allegedly involved a ‘deal’ to repatriate the Lockerbie bomber.
The prime minister still has yet to comment on Mr MacAskill’s decision.