
Review outcome could jeopardise wildlife management, warns BASC Scotland

BASC has expressed significant concerns about a number of elements which will be looked at as part of a Scottish Government review of NatureScot’s species licensing functions. BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the review into NatureScot’s current licensing approach had the potential to affect the balance between predator control and wildlife management. He said… Read more »

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Parties turn focus away from Iraq

Prime Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon spent the day attempting to shift the focus of the campaign away from Iraq. After publishing the Attorney General’s legal advice yesterday, Mr Blair turned his attentions to economic stability under Labour. The party’s frontmen jointly unveiled Labour’s latest campaign poster on the theme ‘forward not back’. It… Read more »

Sinn Fein issues peace process challenge

Sinn Fein today became the last main party to launch its general election manifesto, calling for action from both the Irish and the British governments if the IRA agreed to move beyond “armed struggle”. The IRA is not expected to respond to Gerry Adam’s call for them to move to purely political operations before the… Read more »