
Howard visits scene of cockle pickers tragedy

Howard visits scene of cockle pickers tragedy

Tory leader Michael Howard has embarked on a three-day visit to the North-West.

Mr Howard stopped in Lancaster to meet detectives investigating the deaths of 20 Chinese cockle pickers at Morecambe Bay.

The Conservative leader, speaking outside Lancaster police station, said that lessons must be learnt to avoid a repeat of the recent tragedy.

He said: “I’m here today to try to learn about the background to what happened; about its causes and about how we can do all we can to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.”

Mr Howard refused to answer questions from journalists about the cockle pickers’ deaths and immigration issues, but said the disaster had “wider policy implications”.

Mr Howard is also due to attend a meeting in Morecambe with rescue workers, members of the Chinese community and town leaders.

Tomorrow, the shadow prime minister will address a meeting in BNP heartland Burnley on “bogus asylum seekers”

Mr Howard told the News of the World at the weekend he would be calling for a cut in the total benefits bill for asylum seekers, with the money to be spent on 5,000 extra police.