Tuition fee rebel U-turns to back Blair

Tuition fee rebel U-turns to back Blair

Tuition fee rebel U-turns to back Blair

Tuition fee rebel Nick Brown has declared he will now side with the Government in today’s crucial debate.

The former minister had been one of the leading rebels opposed to Government plans for tuition fees. However, late concessions have led him to change his mind on the issue.

Nick Brown has indicated that it was the promise to review the introduction of top-up-fees after three years that swayed him. The review will look at how variable fees affect accessibility of universities, and middle class households.

The Government has been faced with the prospect that those opposed to fees would inflict Tony Blair’s first Parliamentary defeat as PM.

This has triggered a string of phone calls and meetings, concessions and discussions have been used to convince rebels to drop their opposition.

Government chances have greatly improved with this news, as it is possible Mr Brown may be one of several to have a last minute change of heart. His decision itself may also prompt others to review their position.

The vital vote is still too close to call, and has been complicated by recent revelations that some Conservative MPs are unlikely to follow their party whip, and will vote with the Government or abstain.