
Morrison’s in the clear

Morrison’s in the clear

Rumours abound that the major players in the fight to acquire Safeway have finally backed out of the race, leaving Morrison’s in the clear to make a fresh bid for the £3 billion supermarket chain.

The Office of Fair Trading said last night other supermarket chains – Tesco, Wall Mart’s Asda, and J Sainsbury’s – have all pledged to conform with the Competition Commission’s ruling.

A spokeswoman for the OFT said: “We’ve received the signed undertakings, and sent them to the secretary of state.”

Meetings are expected to take place next week between Sir Ken Morrison, chairman of Morrison’s, and his counterpart at Safeway, David Webster.

Trade and industry secretary Patricia Hewitt is expected to clarify the current situation on the sale of Safeway next week and may give Morrison’s three weeks to launch a fresh bid.

The Dti said in September that Morrison’s could buy the chain if it honoured the proviso to sell 53 stores.

Retail entrepreneur Philip Green, the owner of Top Shop fashion chain and Bhs department stores, pulled out of the battle in October.