Sri Lankan President to speak following PM

Sri Lankan President to speak following PM’s criticism

Sri Lankan President to speak following PM’s criticism

The Sri Lankan President will address her nation this afternoon as her Prime Minister claims she is jeopardising the peace process.

President Chandrika Kumaratunga has closed Parliament and sacked several members of the cabinet, claiming they have made too many concessions to the Tamil Tiger terrorists in the peace process. This has triggered many among the Tamil population to stock up on food and fuel, fearing new hostilities.

Mrs Kumaratunga has already attempted to reassure the Sri Lankan people that there is no reason to panic, and is likely to issue further reassurance at around 12:30 GMT today.

Parliament was suspended for ten days on Tuesday, and a state of emergency was declared on Wednesday. However, the state of emergency has since been removed and replaced with alternative security restrictions.

The move by the President was made in the absence of the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickramasinghe, who was visiting the USA at the time. He has now returned to Sri Lanka, though since the state of emergency was declared, the media have shifted their allegiance from him to the president.

The Prime Minister told supporters that the suspension of parliament puts the peace process at risk, and has called for its quick restoration.

Mrs Kumaratunga holds most of the constitutional cards as president, and has effectively made the prime minister powerless by taking control of government ministries from him. The President also has constitutional powers granted to her that will make any legal challenge very difficult for her rival.

However, the international community is unlikely to back the President if her decision does weaken the peace process, and there are fears that the public will react violently if Parliament and the Prime Minister are not restored.

While the Rebel Tamil Tigers have not signalled an end to the peace process in light of the turmoil, they are reported to be watching events closely, reminding supporters to take confidence in their strength.