Soham officer charged

Soham officer charged

Soham officer charged

A police officer who was involved in the investigation into the murder of two ten-year old girls in Soham has been charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Detective Constable Brian Stevens was arrested yesterday only weeks after being cleared on sexual assault and child pornography charges when the case against him collapsed. Louise Austin, a clerk at the Crown Prosecution Service, is also facing the same charges.

DC Stevens worked as a liaison officer for the family of the murdered Soham schoolgirl Jessica Chapman and read a prayer at her memorial service.

Yesterday’s arrests were carried out by officers from West Midlands police, the same force that investigated the assault and pornography allegations. They searched his house following his arrest.

DC Stevens was originally arrested on September 12 last year as part of Operation Ore which investigated thousands of Britons whose credit card details were discovered on an American pay-per-view paedophile website.

On being cleared of the charges after evidence was found to contain ‘substantial errors’ DC Stevens spoke of his ‘tremendous relief’.

He is currently suspended from duty awaiting the outcome of the charges.