
Blair-Brown ‘united’ on euro but few believe them

Blair-Brown ‘united’ on euro but few believe them

The PM and his chancellor issue an ‘unprecedented’ joint statement declaring unanimity of view on the single currency.

Mr. Blair and Mr. Brown have said there was no schism in the higher echelons of the party over the five economic tests.

According to the statement, Mr Brown downplayed suggestions that he was more sceptical on the single currency than the Prime Minister.

‘Once a decision is taken, the Prime Minister and Chancellor will be on exactly the same page, in total command of all the arguments and confident of winning support for the final agreed position,’ the statement reads.

It is thought the publication of the text was a pre-emptive strike against Sunday newspapers looking to exploit divisions in the Labour party.

Political analysts and oppositition politicians though have expressed their cynicism of the statement.

‘You know that two people are at daggers drawn when they make a direct statement claiming to be united,’ said Lib Dem treasury spokesman Matthew Taylor.

And Conservative deputy leader Michael Ancram said: ‘This is a classic attempt to hide serious divisions. The British public will not be taken in.’