UK Health Security Agency issues cold weather warning for England

With cold weather set to remain across a number of English regions over the coming days, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is encouraging people to stay warm and look out for those most at risk from the effects of cold weather.

The Met Office is warning that the North East, North West, Yorkshire and Humber, West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England regions will experience cold weather from 9am on Thursday 6 January to 9am on Monday 10 January.

Agostinho Sousa, a Consultant in Public Health Medicine at UKHSA, said:

“It’s important to try to heat your home to at least 18 Celsius, 64.4 Fahrenheit, particularly if you have reduced mobility, are 65 and over, or have a health condition.

“Please check on those who are more vulnerable to cold weather, such as elderly or frail friends and family, especially if they live alone or with a serious illness. This can make all the difference.”

Met Office Deputy Chief Meteorologist, Rebekah Sherwin, said:

“Cold air drawn quickly across the Atlantic from the Canadian Arctic will bring low temperatures to much of northern England, with strong winds and wintry showers making it feel even colder in exposed areas. From Saturday onwards, temperatures will return to near normal for January.”