Hague: We stand by the people of Syria
Foreign secretary William Hague has praised the decision by the United Nations and reiterated the British government's support for the people of Syria.
“Today members of the UN voted overwhelmingly to back the Arab League’s plan for a Syrian-led solution to the crisis. The resolution, which explicitly endorsed the Arab League Plan of 2 November as well as its decisions on 22 January and 12 February, was co-sponsored by 72 countries and supported by 137 members of the Assembly.
"It sent a clear signal of the international community’s condemnation of the Syrian regime’s actions and intention to hold to account those responsible for the ongoing atrocities. The message is unambiguous. The violence must stop immediately.
"I look forward to discussing how we can support the Arab League further at the Friends of Syria meeting next week. I hope that the UN secretary general will swiftly appoint a special representative to work alongside them.

"President Assad and the Syrian regime must heed the call of the international community and allow a peaceful political transition to resolve the crisis. President Assad and those around him should be under no doubt that we will continue to support the Syrian people in their aspiration for a peaceful political transition in Syria.”