Legal profession

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Assisted dying proposals in Jersey lodged – Humanists Comment

The legalisation of assisted dying in Jersey has taken another step as proposals have been lodged in the States Assembly. Channel Island Humanists welcomes the proposals, as another part of the British Isle moves closer to a compassionate end-of-life law. The proposals will allow residents of Jersey who are intolerably suffering from a physical, incurable condition… Read more »

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BASC welcomes significant improvement on GL43

BASC has welcomed the announcement by the Secretary of State for Defra of a new general licence (GL45) for the release of game birds (pheasant and red legged partridges) on or near certain Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in England. After the chaos of last year’s announcement at short notice, BASC has achieved significant improvements to… Read more »

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Magistrates warn cost-cutting is damaging justice
Cost-cutting ‘threatens justice system’

The shift towards more summary justice is driven by financial concerns and will not improve public confidence in the criminal justice system, magistrates have warned. In a letter to the prime minister, the Magistrates Association says that although JPs want to dispense speedy justice, the extended use on-the-spot fines on the grounds of cost-effectiveness “cannot… Read more »

A Home Office review recommends using lie detectors on sex offenders
Lie detectors ‘help manage sex offenders’

Submitting sex offenders to lie detector tests makes an “important contribution” to the way they are treated and managed on probation, a new report finds. The review of a two-year pilot scheme across ten areas in England finds that voluntary tests throw up helpful information about a sex offender’s continuing risk to the public. More… Read more »