Constitutional Reform

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Welsh government position on shooting confirmed

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has received ministerial confirmation which quashes claims that country sports will be banned in Wales by 2024.  The false information was spread through a series of social media posts in March this year, which made claims that shooting and other country sports would have no future in… Read more »

Popular Sheffield Cafe first to recognise Trade Union

The workers and owners of a popular local café/restaurant have forged a union recognition agreement thought to be a first of its kind in the city. South Street Kitchen in Park Hill has agreed to undertake collective bargaining with their workers’ union of choice, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU). The agreement means that the owners… Read more »

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Should prince William's first born be a girl, she will be able to accept the Crown
Crown will pass to women

The crown will pass to female heirs, under new proposals being drawn up by the government, opening up the door to Prince William’s heir being a woman, if his firstborn is a girl. The proposals form the centrepiece of a series of reforms to the constitutional arrangements governing the monarchy. Ministers also want the 300-year-old… Read more »

Brown and Britain: Flying the flag?
Comment: Brown and Britain

Gordon Brown is contributing to another book, this time on Britain. Try not to get too excited. The last two books he wrote, Courage: Eight Portraits and Britain’s Everyday Heroes, were just too boring to read. As a political journalist, you felt a sense of duty, hoping for an insight into the man who, back… Read more »