Michael Meacher is no longer a Member of Parliament. This page has not been updated since 2015.
Michael Meacher was re-elected MP for Oldham West and Royton on May 7th 2015 with 17529 votes, taking 39.4% of the vote.
Born in 1939, Michael Meacher was educated at Berkhamstead School, New College Oxford and the London School of Economics. He joined the Labour Party in 1962 and has been Labour Member of Parliament for Oldham West (now Oldham West and Royton) since 1970. He contested Colchester in 1966 and Oldham West in 1968.
Political career
His political appointments comprise:
Under Secretary for Industry, 1974-75
Under Secretary for Health and Social Security, 1975-79
Candidate for Labour Party Deputy Leadership, 1983
Member of Labour Party National Executive Committee 1983-89
Member of Shadow Cabinet 1983-1997
Principal Opposition Front Bench Spokesman on: Health and Social Security 1983-87
Employment 1987-89
Social Security 1989-92
Overseas Development and Co-operation 1992-93
Citizen’s Charter and Science 1993-94
Transport 1994-95
Employment 1995-96
Environmental Protection 1996-97
Minister of State for the Environment and Privy Counsellor May 1997 – June 2003
He is a Parliamentary representative and member of UNISON, and between 1981-1983 he was a member of the Select Committee on the Treasury and Civil Service.
His other affiliations are the Fabian Society, SERA and the Child Poverty Action Group.
His hobbies include reading, sport and music.
After a short illness, Michael died on October 21st 2015.
Constituency: Oldham West and Royton
Constituency Address: 11 Church Lane, Oldham, Lancashire, OL1 3AN
Constituency Tel: 0161 626 5779
Date of Birth: 4 November 1939
Email: michael.meacher.mp@parliament.uk
Party: Labour
Personal Website: http://www.michaelmeacher.info/
Westminster Address: House of Commons, London , SW1A 0AA
Westminster Tel: 020 7219 4532 / 6461
Twitter: @michaelmeacher
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Meacher/105429406156848?fref=ts