
Review outcome could jeopardise wildlife management, warns BASC Scotland

BASC has expressed significant concerns about a number of elements which will be looked at as part of a Scottish Government review of NatureScot’s species licensing functions. BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the review into NatureScot’s current licensing approach had the potential to affect the balance between predator control and wildlife management. He said… Read more »

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Chancellor Gordon Brown's son, Fraser, has cystic fibrosis
Brown’s son has cystic fibrosis

Gordon Brown’s youngest son has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, the Treasury confirmed last night. The chancellor and his wife, Sarah, were told about James Fraser’s condition soon after his birth in July, although it is thought to have been confirmed only recently. In a statement, the Treasury said the baby was “fit, healthy and… Read more »

Harriet Harman will put family at the heart of her deputy leadership bid
Labour’s family policies ‘must go further’

Harriet Harman will today mark out the family as a key battleground in both the forthcoming Labour deputy leadership and the next general election. The constitutional affairs minister will say that although Labour’s victory in 1997 represented a “watershed”, with the introduction of the minimum wage and more time off for parents among others, family… Read more »