Keir Starmer

The excellence of the Medical Defence Union’s (MDU’s) learning and development team has been recognised once more with an award for exceptional tutors and trainers. The MDU’s James Godber, senior learning and development officer, is one of the first people in the country to receive a membership award from City & Guilds. The award recognises the contribution… Read more »

BASC has accused Gloucestershire Constabulary of failing to fulfil a statutory duty by suspending firearm certificate grants. Within the last few days, the force has taken the unilateral decision to suspend grant applications for firearm and shotgun certificates on the grounds of “unexpected resourcing issues”. It has also said that applications already in the pipeline… Read more »
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There was a time when Conservative MPs expressed their dissent sparingly and cannily. The fabled “Tory rebellion” was reserved for issues of particular moral pertinence or for irregular NIMBYism. Only very rarely did an MP calculate that political gain could be made through openly disparaging their own government. Instead political careers were advanced through steady… Read more »

Gordon Brown is a longstanding supporter of constitutional reform. When he first entered parliament at the 1983 election, he picked up the cause for Scottish home rule enthusiastically — championing proposals which would eventually bear fruit in the 1998 Scotland Act. Make no mistake about it: the former prime minister is a committed devolutionista. Brown also… Read more »