Constitutional Reform

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs first reading of disestablishment Bill

The Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill had its first reading in the UK Parliament today. The Bill would disestablish the Church of England and remove the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state, welcomed the introduction of the Bill. The Bill,… Read more »

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Queen’s Speech as-it-happened

Welcome to’s as-it-happens page. Here, you can keep up to date with the speeches, debates and major political events live, in real time. Just hit refresh on your browser to see the latest developments. By Ian Dunt 09:59 – Welcome to the beginning of the end. Today’s Queen’s Speech signals the starting gun in… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Queen’s Speech: State of play

What will and won’t be in this year’s Queen’s Speech? By Ian Dunt This year’s Queen’s Speech will be the most political for a long time. Nick Clegg’s call for the Speech to be cancelled due to the pitiful amount of parliamentary time available to push the bills through received a pretty critical reception, but… Read more »