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Cumbria Police on track to reduce the backlog

A commitment to tackle firearms licensing delays made during a meeting between BASC and Cumbria Police has been reinforced at a follow-up meeting. Cumbria Police revealed during the latest meeting with BASC that it is making rapid progress and has reduced its backlog of renewals by 57 per cent since the introduction of new resources in… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Nigerian humanist Mubarak Bala’s sentence drastically cut by Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal in Kano has drastically reduced the sentence of Mubarak Bala, imprisoned President of the Nigerian Humanist Association, from 24 years to five. The judges unanimously found that his original sentence for blasphemous Facebook posts was excessive and in contravention of the law. Bala has already been in prison for four years, so this… Read more »

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The IFS says government figures are optimistic
18m families still worse off after budget

Around 18 million families will still be £150 worse off a year due to tax changes by the treasury, according to research by an independent think tank. Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) researchers claim many families will be worse off within two years with the abolition of the ten per cent tax band and a… Read more »

The vote was safer than expected for pro-choice MPs
Abortion rights group welcomes no change to 24 week limit

Campaign group, Abortion Rights, has welcomed the vote last night by MPs to keep the time limit for abortion at 24 weeks. Campaign co-ordinator, Louise Hutchins, called the vote “a huge victory for women overall”, stating she was “very pleased politicians listened to the needs of women”. Speaking to, Ms Hutchins said: “This was… Read more »