Public trust BBC more than PM

Public trust BBC more than PM

Public trust BBC more than PM

Brits back the BBC more than their premier, a MORI poll shows today.

The unpopular war with Iraq, the “dodgy dossiers” and the tragic suicide of Iraq weapons expert Dr David Kelly have pulverised the PM’s ratings and raised questions whether Tony Blair can resist a leadership bid in a possible third term of office.

Dr David Kelly is at the centre of the scandal over BBC allegations that the Government willingly “sexed up” a September Iraq intelligence report to boost the case for war against Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship.

In that document, a controversial clause was inserted, which suggested Saddam Hussein could launch lethal weapons “within 45-minutes.”

Dr Kelly is said to be the MoD “mole” who allegedly leaked the story to the BBC’s defence correspondent Andrew Gilligan.

He committed suicide after his public exposure and a hard question and answer session in front of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

The random telephone survey of 982 adults conducted between July 25 and 27 found only 41 per cent of respondents trusted Mr Blair.

The Corp enjoyed 59 per cent.

The poll found people trusted Andrew Gilligan more than Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.

The Mori poll found the public inclined to distrust spin doctors.

60 per cent of those polled did not trust the PM’s director of communications, Alastair Campbell. Only 14% backed him.