
Wiggin, Bill
Conservative MP for North Herefordshire. Worked in the City as a Foreign Exchange Manager. Officer in the Territorial Army. Attended Eton with David Cameron. Farmer who keeps chickens and cows. Likes shooting and fishing. His father was a Conservative MP.Read More

Wragg, William
Conservative MP for Hazel Grove. Chair of the Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs. Former primary school teacher, and Stockport Councillor. Read More

WRAP is a climate action NGO working around the globe to tackle the causes of the climate crisis and give the planet a sustainable future. Our vision is a thriving world in which climate change is no longer a problem. We believe that our natural resources should not be wasted and that everything we use...Read More

Warburton, David
Conservative MP for Somerton and Frome. Inner city music teacher, who played keyboards and guitar in rock bands in his youth. Became a very successful entrepreneur involved in musical ring tones. His firm once ranked as UK's 6th fastest growing technology company.Read More

Work in parliament? Win £50 of Waterstones vouchers
We're giving away £50 of Waterstones vouchers to anyone signed up to our newsletter using a email account.Read More

World Trade Organisation
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is a permanent institution which agrees, governs and administers the rules of the international trading system. The WTO's member states together contribute around 90 per cent of world trade.Read More

Written Questions
Written questions to the government can be tabled by any MP. During the decade 2010 to 2019, the average number of written questions was said to be 3,462 a month. The cost of answering a written question has previously been estimated as costing £140.Read More

Written Questions – House of Lords
Written Questions are questions posed to the government by a Member of the House of Lords. They are designed to elicit further information and confirmation around government policy.Read More

Westminster Hall
In the early part of the Twenty First Century, the time available on the main floor of the House of Commons for so called Private Members debates had become curtailed. This led to the development of the Westminster Hall format.Read More

White Paper
White Papers are detailed statements of Government policy, which set the broad principles for legislation, although not all White Papers lead to new laws.Read More

Welsh Government – Composition
The Welsh Government is made up of the First Minister and eight Welsh Ministers. The composition of the current Welsh government is detailed here.Read More

Work in Committees (Europe)
Along with the Council of Ministers, the EP constitutes the EU's legislature. Historically, the EP was purely a consultative body, but treaty changes have given it more and more power to amend and block legislation. When a proposal is referred to the EP, it develops and declares an 'opinion' – which has differing degrees of...Read More

Wishart, Pete
SNP MP for Perth and North Perthshire. Longest serving SNP MP. Former keyboard player for Big Country and Runrig. Previously appeared on Top of the Pops. Chair of Scottish Affairs Select Committee.Read More

William McCrea
William McCrea, MP for South Antrim, Democratic Unionist PartyRead More