
1994 Group: First progressive step

1994 Group: First progressive step

Paul Wellings, chair of the 1994 Group of leading research-intensive universities, comments on the release of the Browne Review into higher education funding:

“The Browne Review is the first progressive step in a long process to address the important issue of university funding, and we are pleased that the 1994 Group’s call to increase university resources has been heard.

“Everyone’s priority has to be to reassure students of all backgrounds that they will be able to attend a university with the resources necessary to offer academic excellence and the very best experience.

“Ministers now need to take on board the guidance of the review, and commit to a mixture of public funds and student contribution that is sustainable for the long term.

“Most importantly, the impact of the comprehensive spending review later this month must not be allowed to detract from the gains offered to universities by the Browne review.”