Anti-fascists vow to continue fight after four arrests
By staff
Anti-fascist groups have said they will continue their fight against the British National party (BNP) despite four of them being arrested during the far-right party’s annual festival this weekend.
Protestors from United Against Fascism joined forces with the TUC and Amber Valley Campaign against Racism to demonstrate against the party.
Three were charged with public order offences and a fourth with unlawfully obstructing a public highway.

BNP deputy leader Simon Darby said: “Local people wouldn’t even know we were here if they didn’t protest.
“We are just ordinary people having a bit of a laugh in the sun.”
His comments contradicted those of many news outlets, which reported hearing attendees shout “Seig Heil” in the evening.
Derbyshire police said most of the people demonstrating against the far-right party’s Red White and Blue festival had been cooperative, however.