‘Racist’ Tories suspended from party
By politics.co.uk staff
Two men facing allegations of racism have been suspended from the Conservative party.
Hustings for junior official positions at Oxford University’s Conservative Association (OUCA) allegedly involved electoral candidates being asked to tell their most “inappropriate” joke and their least favourite minority.
Nick Gallagher, current publications officer, reportedly said: “What do you say when you see a television moving around in the dark? Put it down, you n*****, or I’ll shoot you.”

Mr Gallagher was running for the position of political officer, a role which requires liasing with the national party.
Another joke heard in the meeting allegedly involved a black person hanging from a family tree.
“People who behave in this disgusting and reprehensible way have no place in the Conservative party,” a spokesperson said.
Anthony Boutall, the president of the association, said: “There was a great deal of noise at the OUCA hustings on Sunday.
“I did not hear a racist joke, but it has come to my attention that something offensive was said.
“A disciplinary committee (DC) has been called for Saturday and, while I do not have the power to prejudge the decision of the DC, I can give a personal pledge that if these individuals are found guilty, I shall use my powers to their fullest capacity, making it my top priority to ensure that they play no further part in the association,” he continued.
“I cannot reiterate strongly enough that OUCA has no place for racism, and abhors and rejects all racial prejudice.”
The organisation is one of the oldest surviving student political organisations in Britain, having been set up in 1924.