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Ensure GMC standards reflect realities of medical practice, MDU urges

Changes to the GMC’s core guidance for doctors could lead to more regulatory investigations, the MDU warned today. The GMC is currently consulting on a new version of Good Medical Practice including widening the scope of the standards against which all doctors will be judged. Setting these standards is a key function of the GMC. By clearly… Read more »

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Nurse practitioners face multiple investigations into single incident

A review of nurse practitioner cases notified to leading medical defence organisation, the Medical Defence Union (MDU), has found nurses now face a similar range of medico-legal investigations into incidents as doctors. Between 2017 and 2021, the MDU helped 400 nurse members with medico-legal processes including complaints, claims, disciplinary procedures and NMC investigations. The MDU… Read more »

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Blair: Rules of the game have changed

Britain will no longer tolerate people coming from overseas to threaten its way of life, Tony Blair said today. The prime minister said the UK was proud of being a tolerant and good natured country but insisted “the rules of the game are changing”, and it would no longer accept anyone who took advantage of… Read more »

Last bid at talks with Iran

Britain, Germany and France have called an emergency meeting with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over Iran’s plans to resume nuclear activities. The so-called EU3 is expected to put forward economic and political incentives today in the hope of convincing Tehran to scrap nuclear activities at the Isfahan nuclear facility. And the board of… Read more »