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Entries for BASC classes at Crufts 2023 now open

Entries are now open for the gamekeepers’ classes at Crufts 2023. The classes, which are hosted by BASC, are open to gamekeepers, owners of working gundogs, gundog teams and young handlers, and will be held on Gundog Day, Thursday 9th March 2023, at the NEC in Birmingham. Postal entries close on 9 January 2023, and you can… Read more »

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“Outright ban” on snares will have devastating consequences for biodiversity and the Welsh countryside, warns BASC

Banning snares including modern humane cable restraints in Wales will remove an essential conservation tool and could result in local extinctions, the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation has warned. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), which has its head office in north Wales, is now calling on the Welsh Government to rethink proposed… Read more »

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Foreign Office investigating Bigley execution claims

The Foreign Office is investigating reports that the British engineer Ken Bigley has been killed by his captors. This afternoon the Arabic television station Abu Dhabi Television announced that they had been told that Mr Bigley had been beheaded by his captors. A video purporting to show the be-heading was due to be aired at… Read more »

Dome to house London delegates

The Mayor of London has announced that the Dome is to be used to provide accommodation for delegates attending the European Social Forum. The Dome has been lying empty since the end of the Millennium exhibition, though it is set to be turned into a sporting and entertainment venue. The forum, being held between 15th… Read more »